The posts on this blog are copied from my private blog: "At The Rose Cottage". If you are interested in viewing The Rose Cottage, which has more personal family posts and pictures, email me at stewcrew9 at

Monday, November 2, 2009

Assignment #12: Harvest

Harvest -noun
1. Also, har-vest-ing. The gathering of crops.
2. The season when ripened crops are gathered.
3. A crop or yield of one growing season.
4. a supply of anything gathered at maturity and stored.
5. the result or consequence of any act, process or event.

Sooner or later, every one sits down to a banquet of consequences.

Robert Louis Stevenson

The earth yields a bounty:

from the field...

... from the forest...

...from the black earth.

With some harvest, we fill our larder...

With some harvest, we fill our hearts.

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Gen 8:22


♥ Amy said...

Lovely. Beautiful photos. Great quote and scripture verse. I enjoyed viewing your harvest. And way to go, Great Hunter woman! :)

Unknown said...

I love your photos and your posts. Beautiful blog and family.