My Dad sent me this picture of my Mom's hand from last weekend.
The cast had gone on that morning (it is even a pretty one :).
Her fingers were still swollen and dark but she didn't seem to be in much pain anymore.

I was up to see her last night after supper. She was sitting in her recliner and I sat in the next one. There isn't much to do while there - she doesn't visit or even look at me much. She did respond a little (eye contact) when I first came and when I got up to leave, but mostly sat with her head down. I hold her hand and touch her face. That seems to bring a response.
I took other pictures of her, but somehow I can't share them.
She is so changed. So unlike herself.
I want to protect her - or what there is left of her.
This morning dawned sunny and cool. It has been cloudy, rainy, snowy and cold for about a week and I was craving some sunshine!!!
Steve had to install a kitchen in Calgary today, so he was leaving early - I was making breakfast at 6:30 and I couldn't resist slipping out fro a few minutes to catch some morning sun...
It was just rising above the tall fence in the back.
How is this for a "natural heart" Amy? :o)
Hopefully that is the last frost of the season!
I loved this next picture - the light was so beautiful!
My lovely orange tulips are almost done for the year.
The little girls had been playing with the kittens (did I mention that Emily's cat had kittens??? Does anyone want one???)
They had tucked this one (named "Felina") into their play bed on the couch...
and she fell asleep that way! It WAS rather cute.
Last little tidbit for today...
Jeremy ("The Bird Man") caught a baby robin in the yard today.
It was amazing to see the parents swoop around in concern.
He showed the baby to the little ones and then safely deposited it in the apple tree.
Hopefully it has escaped the neighborhood cats!
So, till next time...