"My Lap-full of Abundance"

Abundance in not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into.
Wayne Dyer
Abundance is realizing what you already posses that no money could buy: joy, love, peace and freedom.
Early in our marriage, my husband included in his prayers this verse, Proverbs 30:8 "Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me." Truly the Lord has honored that in his life. We always have "enough". At times I do feel discontent, but always the issue comes down to my attitude, not the situation.
Deceivingly, our society has led us to define our abundance by comparison. Then the extremely rich, unnaturally beautiful, and uniquely successful are paraded in front of us on every TV, magazine and media - truly "vanity and lies". Even the most stout at heart can fall victim to comparison.
Here I am: a 34 year old, home school mom, single income family, self-employed husband, mother of seven - if I compare to our world's standard for success, I would be a total and complete failure! Yet, every little while I think of what a friend once told me. I was at my 10 year high school reunion. Each of my classmates were taking turns standing up and explaining what they were doing in life. Many of my friends were VERY successful. My closest friend had just be given a brand new Mustang convertible for being the top sales person in her company. Another has a Doctorate in Physics. Several were studying for Master's degrees in their chosen fields. Then there was me... I was six months pregnant with my fifth child, a stay-at-home mom, we had enough but were not wealthy. I was intimidated when I stood up and gave my little spiel and then sat down, slightly embarrassed at the simplicity of my life. It was quiet for a few seconds and then one of my classmates said (the one with the Doctorate in Physics), "Don't feel bad, you are living the life we all wish we could have." (!!!)
Oh, when WILL I learn? Success does NOT equal abundance.
Abundance is truly not something to be acquired, but instead it is an attitude, an understanding, a condition of the heart.